About TimeLimit Jules







My name is Julian Watling and I am the TimeKeeper here at TimeLimit Coaching. 

My job is to find you more good time to do the things you enjoy, with the people you love, and help you spend less bad time doing what you don't like. 

I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Level 2 Recreational Running Coach, NDIS Recovery Coach and the founder of the TimeLimit Rucking Club.  

I specialise in health coaching and recovery coaching to build resilience and capacity in first responders, frontline workers and NDIS participants. I work with the identified objectives and goals of individual clients to improve health and wellness, and assist clients to secure and maintain employment. 

I have 15 years experience in Corrective Services and Juvenile Justice, case managing clients with difficult and challenging behaviours, coupled with complex, co-existing morbidities, as well as running high intensity group programs for domestic abuse and addictions.

My own lived experience with mental health means I am acutely aware of individual needs and requirements in relation to capacity building and overall wellness.

I created TimeLimit Coaching and the Back to Basics program to share what I have learned about building, and maintaining a balanced, happy life, despite all the stressors of modern life AND the high intensity work we often do as first responders and front line workers. 

When you really think about it, TIME is our most precious asset, and we owe it to ourselves, and the people we care about, to live every moment. 

I love being active, and walking is my favourite form of exercise. I am also a multiple Australian Ironman finisher, Ironman 70.3 finisher, virtual Boston Marathon finisher, and former personal trainer and aqua fitness instructor.

I can't wait to take this journey with you!
